Let’s Fetch Puppies, Kindness, Bullies and Love: Author Visits

Bash and Lucy Should Fetch Puppies, Kids Say
Bash and Lucy should fetch puppies kindness, bullies and love.
These are just some of the ideas we  have gathered for our next books–from students we visit via Skype in the classroom from around the country–and around the world
Most every Friday, we visit with a new class via Skype in the classroom and the Microsoft Education Network.  Before we meet with them, we send our books and audiobooks (recorded by Michael and friends.)
We explain that our book project started three years ago, when our beloved Lucy, a golden retriever, died suddenly of cancer, giving us no warning she was ill.
We then give kids some writing tips about creating characters and conflict.  Michael often explains the idea of conflict, as he did during this lesson:

Generally, kids line up to ask questions, and many of them are for Michael. How old is he? Does he play soccer, like Bash? Does he have a new dog? (Yes, and we often introduce kids to our new dog, Hudson.
At the end of every lesson, we ask kids for ideas  for our next books–and really value the ideas they give us. A number of themes come up every class–Bash and Lucy should fetch puppies, kindness, bullies, responsibility and love. Hudson should be in the book. And so should Michael’s older sister, Ally, who was the first person to read our first book and urge us to follow our writing journey.
Here’s a clip from one brainstorming session:

Often, during these brainstorming sessions, Michael gets ideas for our next books. For example, during our most recent Skype visit, a student’s suggestion prompted Michael to announce that our next book should include monsters (illustrated by Michael) that will chase any characters who don’t like dogs. We’re excited about this idea; we’ve been thinking that some of Michael’s illustrations should be included in our next book, a chapter book.

Our visits with schoolchildren (in person and via Skype) are the most satisfying part of our writing journey. You can learn more here about our school visit by emailing us at BashAndLucy@gmail.com!

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